Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Anderson "Why So Serious?"

The assignment directions say to write "something interesting about you", but it just so happens that just about everything about me is pretty darn interesting. My name is Miles Anderson. I have been into art my entire life and decided to pursue a career that could provide me with an outlet for my creativity. I feel that I was blessed with talent and intelligence (not to mention dashing good looks), so I try my best to to use them to their fullest extent.

Now for the poster. I love a lot of posters, far too many to post. In the interest of time, I went with one that was a little more contemporary that I thought was awesome when I first saw it. Everyone probably recognizes it by now, maybe to the point that some view it as a bit "played out." But I say f*** it, the poster is great. The fact that has seen so much exposure is the purpose of poster, in my opinion.

So, without further ado, here is the Why So Serious? poster for the very popular film, The Dark Knight:

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